Monday 16 September 2024

Pascal's Triangle Visualization

About Pascal's Triangle

Pascal's Triangle is a triangular array of binomial coefficients. Each number is the sum of the two numbers directly above it. Named after Blaise Pascal, this triangle has applications in algebra, probability, and combinatorics.

Uses: It's useful for calculating coefficients in binomial expansions, combinatorial problems, and generating patterns.

Monday 19 August 2024

Spring - IoC Container


Spring's Inversion of Control (IoC) Container is like a factory that creates and manages objects (called beans) in a Spring application. Instead of creating objects manually in your code, you let the IoC Container do it for you. This allows your code to be more flexible and easier to manage.


  1. Configuration: You define what objects (beans) you need and how they should interact with each other. This is done through configuration files (XML or Java-based annotations).
  2. Dependency Injection: The IoC Container automatically injects the required dependencies into the beans, meaning it provides the necessary objects to other objects. You don't need to manually create or connect them.
  3. Lifecycle Management: The container also manages the lifecycle of these beans, such as their creation, initialization, and destruction.


Imagine you're building a car, and the car needs an engine. Instead of you manually assembling the engine and connecting it to the car, you just tell the IoC Container, "Hey, I need a car, and it needs an engine." The IoC Container then finds an engine, puts it in the car, and hands you the fully assembled car.


  1. Decoupling: Your code is less tightly connected, making it easier to change or replace parts.
  2. Easier Testing: Since dependencies are injected, it's easier to test components in isolation.
  3. Flexibility: You can easily switch out components without changing much code.


Spring's IoC Container simplifies object management in your application by taking care of object creation, dependency injection, and lifecycle management, allowing you to focus on writing business logic rather than managing dependencies.

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Week 6 All Quiz

Practice: Recurrent Neural Networks 

1. (True/False) Recurrent Neural Networks are a class of neural networks that allow previous outputs to be used as inputs while having hidden states.

ANSWER= (A) True


2. (True/False) Recurrent Neural Networks are well suited in applications in which the context is important and needs to be incorporated in the prediction.

ANSWER= (A) True


3. These are the two main outputs of a recurrent neural network:

ANSWER= (A) Prediction and state

Practice: LSTM and GRU  

1. (True/False) The main motivation behind LSTM is to make it easier to keep information from distant past in current memory without reinforcement.

ANSWER= (A) True


2. RNNs are augmented with the following Gate Units:

ANSWER= (B) Input gate, forget gate, output gate


3. Select the correct assertion regarding the gate units of RNNs:

ANSWER= (D) A and B


Practice: Regularization  

1. Which regularization technique can shrink the coefficients of the less important features to zero?



2. (True/False) Batch Normalization tackles the internal covariate shift issue by always normalizing the input signals, thus accelerating the training of deep neural nets and increasing the generalization power of the networks.

ANSWER= (A) True


3. Regularization is used to mitigate which issue in model training?

ANSWER= (C) Overfitting


Week 6 Final Quiz  

1. (True/False) RNN models are mostly used in the fields of natural language processing and speech recognition.

ANSWER= (A) True


2. (True/False) GRUs and LSTM are a way to deal with the vanishing gradient problem encountered by RNNs.

ANSWER= (A) True


3. (True/False) GRUs will generally perform about as well as LSTMs with shorter training time, especially for smaller datasets.

ANSWER= (A) True


4. (True/False) The main idea of Seq2Seq models is to improve accuracy by keeping necessary information in the hidden state from one sequence to the next.

ANSWER= (A) True


5. (True/False) The main parts of a Seq2Seq model are: an encoder, a hidden state, a sequence state, and a decoder.

ANSWER= (B) False


6. Select the correct option, in the context of Seq2Seq models:

ANSWER= (C) The Greedy Search algorithm selects one best candidate as an input sequence for each time step while the Beam Search produces multiple different hypothesis based on conditional probability.


7. Which is the gating mechanism for RNNs that include a reset gate and an update gate?


8. LSTM models are among the most common Deep Learning models used in forecasting. These are other common uses of LSTM models, except:

ANSWER= (D) Generating Images

Pascal's Triangle Visualization About Pascal's Triangle Pascal'...