Tuesday 26 December 2023

Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Week 2 All Quiz

Practice: Back Propagation, Activation Functions 

1. Select the method or methods that best help you find the same results as using matrix linear algebra to solve the equation θ=(XTX)−1XTy

ANSWER= (D) All the above


2. (True/False) Neurons can be used as logic gates

ANSWER= (A) True


3. (True/False) The feed-forward computation of a neural network can be thought of as matrix calculations and activation functions.

ANSWER= (A) True

Practice: Keras Library 

1. Building a Neural Network with the Sequential API in Keras implies that each layer

ANSWER= (C) can connect to only the previous and next layers.


2. An epoch in estimating a Deep Learning model refers to

ANSWER= (D) the number of times the entire input data set is used by the model.


3. An advantage of the Sigmoid activation function over the step activation function is:

ANSWER= (C) improved backpropagation due to nonzero gradients.

Week 2 Final Quiz  

1. The backpropagation algorithm updates which of the following?

ANSWER= (A) The parameters only.


2. What of the following about the activation functions is true?

ANSWER= (A) They add non-linearity into the model, allowing the model to learn complex pattern.


3. What is true regarding the backpropagation rule?

ANSWER= (B) The actual output is determined by computing the output of neurons in each hidden layer


4. Which option correctly lists the steps to build a linear regression model using Keras?
1. Use `fit()` and specify the number of epochs to train the model for.
2. Create a Sequential model with the relevant layers.
3. Normalize the features with ` layers.Normalization()` and apply `adapt()`.
4. Compile using `model.compile()` with specified optimizer and loss.

ANSWER= (A) 3, 2, 4, 1


5. (True/False) Keras provides one approach to build a model: by defining a Sequential model.

ANSWER= (B) False

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