Friday, 22 December 2023

IOT(Internet of Things) Multiple choice Questions and Answers

IOT(Internet of Things) Multiple choice Questions and Answers 

1. In general, Z-wave protocol for communication among devices is used for_________ .

ANSWER= (B) Home automation


2. Which of the following characteristic of HART Data Link Layer helps it to achieve collision-free and deterministic communication?

ANSWER= (A) Super-frames


3. Which of the following is the basis for Bluetooth technology?

ANSWER= (C) Both (a) and (b)


4. Which of the following protocol uses healing (message) to bypass radio dead-spots?

ANSWER= (C) Z-wave


5. Which of the following nodes send false routing messages in the network?

ANSWER= (B) Badly failed nodes


6.Which of the following layers provide multiplexing capability in Bluetooth technology?



7. Which of the following component can be considered as optional for a sensor node?

ANSWER= (C) Location finding unit


8. Which of the following provide energy to peer-to-peer tags?

ANSWER= (B) Own power source


9. Which of the following schemes re-establish the connectivity between dumb nodes with others?

ANSWER= (C) Both (a) and (b)


10. Which layer of Bluetooth handles paging?

ANSWER= (D) Baseband


11. In general, is it advisable to increase the duty cycle of a node in case of rare events for social sensing?



12. Is Zigbee Pro compatible with Zigbee RF4CE?



13. Which of the following is True?

ANSWER= (B) Piconet is a subset of Scatternet


14. Which of the following suffers in case of total co-operation in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks?

ANSWER= (C) Node’s lifetime


15. Does ISA100.11Asupport tunneling mode?


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